Friday, October 31, 2008

The "You" Warm-up

Here's a quick and easy warm-up you can use with your students at almost any point in the year.  
It enhances communication skills, group focus and trust.  Here's how to play:

Students stand in a circle.  One person starts by gesturing towards someone else in the circle and saying "You."  That student then gestures and says "You" passing it another person in the circle.   There is no order or sequence for the "You," but as it is passed, the energy of gesture and volume of the "You" increases.  This continues until one student achieves such energy and volume that the person whom he/she is passing the "You" to realizes they cannot top it.   That's when the energy and volume begins to decrease, from person to person, until the gesture disappears and the "You" is not heard, only mouthed.  From there, the mouthing stops and the the "You" is passed only with movement of the eyes.  It may get lost soon after this point, and that's OK, because it will make the students feel they have a psychic connection with each other.

Note: This is game is especially good when preparing for a performance, but can be used at any point to enhance the group dynamic.  The more secure students feel with each other, the more risks they will be able to take in rehearsal, and the more confident they will feel on stage with each other.

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